
winx-1.1.01 Released

Changes for 1.1.01 (2006-10-14)

*) Tutorials

- Hello, SmartWin! tutorials/winx/step001/hello,smartwin (a)
- XSL Transformations (XSLT) tutorials/winx/step018-xslt (b)
- histgram(OpenCV example) tutorials/opencv/step001-histgram (c)

*** NOTE ***

To build tutorials marked with (a), You must download SmartWin++ from sourceforge:

And the directory tree looks like this:

│ └─include
│ └─include

To build tutorials marked with (b), You must update Windows Platform SDK
if you use Visual C++ 6.0

You can download winsdk.zip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/winx/
And the directory tree looks like this:

│ └─include
│ └─include

To build tutorials marked with (c), You must download OpenCV from sourceforge:

And the directory tree looks like this:

│ └─include

*) WINX-Extension

- msxml
XSL Transformations (XSLT)

- OpenCV
class CvWindowT, CvWindow, CvMainFrame

List for 1.1.01 (2006-10-14)

*) Example: port MFC controls to WINX

- samples/mfc-port/CreditStatic
summary: Control that print credit information as 'animated caption'.
author: CaiYin(shuker@263.net)

- samples/mfc-port/RoundButton
summary: A round button control.
author: Chris Maunder (chrismaunder@codeguru.com), 1997.

- samples/mfc-port/DimEditCtrl
summary: An edit control that can provide visual cues in its text area.
author: James R. Twine, TransactionWorks, Inc. 2000.
url: http://www.codeproject.com/editctrl/dimedit.asp

*) Example: use WTL extension controls in a WINX application

- samples/wtlext/BitmapButton
summary: to use the Windows Template Library CBitmapButton.
author: WTL
author: Ed Gadziemski, 2002.
url: http://www.codeproject.com/wtl/bmpbtn.asp

- samples/wtlext/BitmapHyperLink
summary: Control that displays a bitmap next to the link and allows a different color when hover.
author: Igor Vigdorchik, 2005
url: http://www.codeproject.com/wtl/CBitmapHyperLink.asp

- samples/wtlext/ColorButton
summary: Color picker control for WTL applications including optional support for XP themes.
author: Tim Smith, 2002.
url: http://www.codeproject.com/wtl/wtlcolorbutton.asp

- samples/wtlext/DimEdit
summary: A WTL adaptation of James Twine's Dim Edit control.
author: Paul A. Howes, 2001.
url: http://www.codeproject.com/wtl/wtldimedit.asp

- samples/wtlext/IconEdit
summary: edit control with Icon.
author: JaeWook Choi, 2004.
url: http://www.codeproject.com/wtl/JaeWTLIconEdit.asp

*) Example: port WTL application to WINX

- samples/wtl-port/IEHost(WTL)
- samples/wtl-port/IEHost
summary: A tutorial on hosting ActiveX controls in WTL dialogs.
author: Michael Dunn, 2003.
url: http://www.codeproject.com/wtl/wtl4mfc6.asp

*) Tutorials

- Hello tutorials/winx/step001
- Hello, SmartWin! tutorials/winx/step001/hello,smartwin (a)
- Window Background tutorials/winx/step002-bkgnd
- Command Dispatch & State tutorials/winx/step003-command
- User-defined Controls tutorials/winx/step004-user-ctrl
- Accelerator tutorials/winx/step005-accel
- Dialog Layout tutorials/winx/step006-layout
- Window Icon tutorials/winx/step007-icon
- OpenFile Dialog tutorials/winx/step008-openfiles
- MouseWheel Message tutorials/winx/step009-mousewheel
- XP Style(Include OwnerDraw) tutorials/winx/step010-xptheme (b)
- Link Control(url, mailto, etc) tutorials/winx/step011-linkctrl (b)
- ActiveX Control(flash, IE, etc) tutorials/winx/step012-activex (b)
- AutoComplete of Edit Control: tutorials/winx/step013-autocomplete (b)
- Window behaviors(AutoHidden, etc) tutorials/winx/step014-behavior
- Property Sheet tutorials/winx/step015-property-sheet
- WINX together with MFC tutorials/winx/step016-mfc-together
- DDX(DataExchange) tutorials/winx/step017-ddx
- XSL Transformations (XSLT) tutorials/winx/step018-xslt (b)
- Save images(include multiframe tiff) tutorials/gdiplus/step001-save-image (b)
- histgram(OpenCV example) tutorials/opencv/step001-histgram (c)

*** NOTE ***

To build tutorials marked with (a), You must download SmartWin++ from sourceforge:

And the directory tree looks like this:

│ └─include
│ └─include

To build tutorials marked with (b), You must update Windows Platform SDK
if you use Visual C++ 6.0

You can download winsdk.zip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/winx/
And the directory tree looks like this:

│ └─include
│ └─include

To build tutorials marked with (c), You must download OpenCV from sourceforge:

And the directory tree looks like this:

│ └─include

*) WINX-Extension

- Common Dialogs

- ActiveX support, such as flash, IE, etc.

- WebBrowser(IE) ConnectPoint support.
You'll find it is easy for you to connect events from IE.

- Theme(XPStyle) support, including owner-draw support.

- AutoComplete support, for Edit/ComboBox controls.
You can save histroy to windows registry, or a file.

- DropFileHandle(simple wrapper for HDROP)

- PropertySheet, PropertyPage

- Gdiplus
EncoderParameters: ColorDepth, Transformation, SaveFlag, Compression, Quality
Initialize Class: GdiplusAppInit

- msxml
XSL Transformations (XSLT)

- OpenCV
class CvWindowT, CvWindow, CvMainFrame

*) WINX-Core

- Message:
class WindowMessage

- Window:

- Dialog:

- Control:

- Window Property (IMPORTANT!!!)
Bkgrnd: to set window background. see macro WINX_BKGND_XXX.
CtlBkgrnd: to set window class background. see macro WINX_CTLBKGND_XXX.
Accel: to set window accelerator. see macro WINX_ACCEL, WINX_DLG_ACCEL.
Icon: to set window icon. see WINX_ICON.
AppIcon: to set default icon of all windows. see WINX_APP_ICON.

- Behavior: BehaviorPermit, BehaviorSwitch, AutoHidden, etc

- DispEventSimpleImpl: Dispatch Event Implementation(ConnectPoint support)
It's easier to use than IDispEventSimpleImpl(ATL's implementation).

- Command Dispatch

- Command State(UpdateUI Component)

- Layout(DialogResize Component)

- DDX(DataExchange)

- macro WINX_STACK_OBJECT, for creating stack-based window objects.
The current stack-based window objects are ModalDialog and MainFrame.
The common characteristic is that they both are top level windows.
So in the future, MDIMainFrame is also a stack-based window object.

*) WINX-Basic

- Basic Types: CString, CFindFile, CRecentDocumentList, CComBSTR, etc.
- Helper: MsgBox, GetThisModule, InitCommonControls, etc.
- Initialize Class:
CComAppInit, COleAppInit, CDebugAppInit, CComModuleInit, CAppModuleInit, etc.
- Resource: GetModuleIniPath, Bitmap, Icon, Menu, Brush, Accelerator, etc.
- Gdi Object: Pen, Brush, Font, Bitmap, DC(PaintDC, ClientDC, etc), Rgn, etc.
- Gdi Helper: DoubleBuffer, etc.
- Handle Class: WindowHandle
- COM Support: Object, StackObject, FakeObject, COLESTR, etc.
- IEnumOnSTLImpl, EnumStringSTLImpl
IEnumXXX(IEnumString, etc) Implementation on STL container.
- MFC Compatibility:
Diagnost(ASSERT, VERIFY, etc)
GdiObject(CDC, CClientDC, CPaintDC, CBitmap, CPalette, etc)
- Log: TraceWindow
- Storage: TraceStorage

*) STL-Extension (stdext)

- Memory Management: AutoFreeAlloc, RecycleBuffer, AutoArray, HeapMemAlloc, etc.
- String Algorithm: trim, match, compare, strecpy, etc.
- CharType: isCSymbolFirstChar, isCSymbolNextChar, etc.
- Container: SimpleMultiMap, TypedPtrArray, InterfaceArray
- Log: OutputLog, ErrorLog, FileLog, StringLog
- Performance: PerformanceCounter
- Diagnost: WINX_ASSERT, WINX_TRACE, etc.
- namespace std::tchar, eg. std::tchar::strlen, std::tchar::strlwr, etc.
- Archive
SimpleWriteArchive/SimpleReadArchive: Archive based on FILE.
MemSeqWriteArchive: Archive based on Memory.
RegWriteArchive/RegReadArchive: Archive based on Windows Registry.
- RecordArchive
MemRecordWriter, RecordReader: Record files(Excel BIFF files, etc) support.

*) Documents (chinese version)

- WINX Preview docs(zh-CN)/WinxPreview.ppt
- Garbage collection allocator docs(zh-CN)/stdext/001-memory/*.htm
- VC++ 6.0 Tips docs(zh-CN)/stdext/000-vc6tips/*.htm

*) Links

winx official blog (english) - http://winxhome.blogspot.com/
winx official blog (chinese) - http://winxcn.blogspot.com/
winx official blog (big5) - http://winxtw.blogspot.com/
winx group (english) - http://groups.google.com/group/winx/
winx group (chinese) - http://groups.google.com/group/winxcn/
winx at sourceforge - http://sourceforge.net/projects/winx/
winx at google code - http://code.google.com/p/winx/

*) Supported Compilers

- Visual C++ 6.0
- Visual C++ 2005